It’s a first in the world! A giant panda recovers from...

But there was a scare when Maotao went into shock after the operation. The veterinary team of the research base held another emergency consultation. "We fought for more tha...

“倒胃口”,中文习语,本意指“因为腻味而不想再吃(spoil one’s appetite,cause one to become nauseated)”,现在多比喻对某人某事兴味索然,产生反感(be disgusted,get fed up)。 例句 ...

Yes, things can always get worse, like for my fellow soybeans in the Midwest. Prices for soybeans took a hit of almost 20 percent since mid-May due to trade war concerns. B...

五种英语表达说“一顿大餐” 英语中表示“食物”的单词是“food”,而“一顿饭”是“a meal”。我们可以用哪些地道的英文说法表示“一顿大餐 a big meal”?一起学习用五种英语表达说“丰盛的饭菜”。

I’m starving. I really need to grab something to eat now. 我快饿死了,我真的要吃点东西了。 Honey, is lunch ready? I’m starving to death! 亲爱的,午饭好了吗?我饿的要命啊。 c...

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